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Dumper DriverPlant Operation
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IT InfrastructureStakeholder ManagementIT UpgradesPlanning & SchedulingIT MigrationsData CentreCiscoBudget ManagementProcess ImprovementSupplier Management
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Third Party Security AuditThird Party Risk ManagementGovernance Risk Management and Compliance (GRC)Governance
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Project DeliveryDeploymentArchitecture and Design
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Network SupportNetwork ImplementationServer Load BalancingF5 LTMNetwork DesignFirewall PoliciesNetwork DeploymentIT Monitoring Tools & ManagementNetwork SecurityF5
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Carriageway ConstructionPipe LayingBrick / Concrete PaviourDuct InstallationDeep DrainageReinforced ConcreteRailCivilGroundworks
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Pre & Post SalesPre-Sales / Post-SalesPre-SalesPre SalesPre & Post SalesConsultancy
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Technical DrawingsProject ManagementDesignArchitecture and Design
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Spanning-Tree (STP, RSTP)L2 VPNMulticast (PIM)WiresharkCisco LAN Access SwitchesCisco Nexus 5000 SeriesCisco Catalyst 4500 SeriesGREServer Load BalancingCisco Nexus 7000 Series
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Network SupportOSPFMPLSIT Monitoring Tools & ManagementIxia IxServerEIGRPBGPBNGAlcatel-Lucent 7210 Service Access SwitchAlcatel-Lucent 7750 SR-e series routers
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CAPWAPData CentreCampus LAN (Small)Campus LAN (Medium)Campus LAN (Large)WAN (Continental)IT Monitoring Tools & ManagementVoice / TelephonyContact CentreBroadband
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.NET Core 2.2.Net Framework 4.6SwashbucklenPocoEFGoogle AnalyticsTensorFlowSharpTensorFlowAccord.NETAI / Machine Learning
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CiscoMicrosoft ProjectPRINCE2Data Centre MigrationsIT LifecycleIT Transition and TransformationIT InfrastructureBudget ManagementChange ManagementProject Reporting
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Employee RelationsHR Consultancy and servicesChange ManagementChange Management
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Network DeploymentNetwork ImplementationNetwork SupportData CentreNetwork DesignIT Monitoring Tools & ManagementCisco ACINetwork SecurityTetrationManagement and leadership
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Data CentreTrend MicroSymantecSolarWindsSilverpeakServiceNowRadwareRackspace HostingPolycomPalo Alto Networks
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Data Storage / SANEMC VMAXIT MigrationsIT InfrastructurePlanning & SchedulingStakeholder ManagementRisk ManagementEMC VNXIBM tape libraryEMC Data Domain
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Research and AnalysisDigital MarketingStrategy
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SketchPrototypesAdobeUser testingInVisionWireframesAdobe IllustratorUser flows / customer journeysAdobe PhotoshopPersona creation
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Amazon (AWS) EC2AngularJsNodeJSAWS S3AWS CloudfrontAmazon AWS Auto ScalingAmazon AWS CodeCommitAWS SNSAWS SQSAmazon AWS
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Team ManagementBudget ManagementTime ManagementScope ManagementProject ManagementAgilePMI-Project Management InstituteProject ReportingProject Management OfficeStakeholder Communication
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Data NetworksPre-Sales / Post-SalesData CentreNetwork ImplementationIT Monitoring Tools & ManagementRequirements CaptureNetwork DesignNetwork SupportNortelCisco
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Network SecurityOSPFBGPL2 SecurityFirewall PoliciesNATIntrusion PreventionPPTPCampus LAN (Small)Campus LAN (Medium)
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Network SupportData NetworksBroadbandWiresharkPolycomJuniper Networks SRXJuniper Networks EXJuniper NetworksHP 5120HP
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